Anyway. I am exactly what the title suggests: Home.
Ignore the dirty car. It was a long drive and very snowy.
One of my Christmas traditions that I remember since I was three, was gingerbread houses. I used to get little-girl giddy trying to sculpt the most magnificent cookie dwelling to live up to my creative reputation. However,"year after year, I failed. I always seem to forget how difficult it is to build, to begin with. Then I remember my limited decorating supplies. Then I realize that I am not now, and never will be an architect. Nevertheless, my mother, being the amazing person she is, still loved each and every one, and even saved a few in the boxes in the basement.
This year, however, I decided to actually put in a little more effort. I researched some decorating tips and fared better than the years past. And yet, when the decorating time came, I looked at the 9-year-old girl next to me, and I thought "Oh, screw it." . Well... this was the result. Not terrible. Not magnificent. But Christmas-y.
There is something about Christmas colors that makes me cringe and the combination of red and green. I think that green should be removed from the formalities. Red and White are plenty for holiday cheer. :) Thus, I expressed my feelings in my house. It even pained me to put on the wreath, but it was too cute not to include.